I am writing to you because I am stock with my health-issue and I don't know where to go. When I talk to mybest friend, she tells me that it's in my head and today she was even asking if I am sure I have Lyme. I was partially paralyzed, I was in ER with crazy symptoms, I am experiencing horrible symptoms every day, I am not insane to fabricate all of this! If you doubt also, I can continue .. I went to best MD's in NYc, they all agreed I have Lyme, biofeedback I am doing now shows Lyme and coinfections.
Even though I am not a fan of conventional med, I was on antibiotics for 2 month! It did not help. I am taking 50 tablets of herbs every day and I don't know if they work...
Every morning I wake just to get some new symptoms. I had inflammation in my body that caused horrible muscle and joint pain, I was still dealing with that with an attitude that it's a healing crisis and it's gonna get only better. I have fatigue and low energy every day, I manage to go to school, but I am not able to work anymore ... Now I am afraid it's getting worse, because it affecting my brain. A week ago I could not find my car and called 911, i was sure the spot where I parked it was empty, I though the car got stolen. I found it on next block. Yesterday I was not able to recall my own phone number ( I know, Tanya told me it happens to everyone, but it does not! I know when I am normal and when I am not) Today I was not able to study, I had brain fog all day long , and on a test in school I was not able to remember anything I studied for the past year. Lyme makes me extremely anxious and paranoid.
I am getting biofeedback treatments which I feel helping me, but I can not afford more than 2 a week, I am getting acupuncture, taking all possible herbs, but I dont know if I ever get better.
I did so much research and as most "sufferers know, there really isn’t much real science as it pertains to the treatment of Lyme Disease. Many “LLMDs” (Lyme literate medical doctors) disagree about how to treat patients, and no LLMD I have heard of has astonishing success. With Lyme Disease, its almost always hit-and-miss. Maybe “Lyme Literate Medical Doctors” should be renamed: “Doctors Desperately Fighting A Losing Battle.”
So, I believe that my “hands on, patient perspective” approach is extremely valuable in light of this confusing, misunderstood, devastating disease, and in light of the fact that tried-and-true “medicine” continues to fail us. If antibiotics did work all the time, I wouldn’t be writing this.
As I began to understand that M.D.’s don’t have all the answers, I began to look elsewhere. I took a new approach, I began studying and trying things that helped REAL people feel better. I am quite certain than many reading this post know exactly what I’m talking about – instead of listening to doctors, you start desperately searching for something to take the edge of, to give you your life back. You interview other Lyme patients and ask what has worked. I encountered various herbs, alternative treatments, acupuncture, homeopathy, essential oils, you name it. All these are wonderful treatments; all hold their place in the big picture of health. However – in my case, while some of these helped, the help was insignificant and very discouraging. I kept asking myself, “how is this treatment going to get the spirochetes out?”
Finally I tried some weird bioactive stimulator invented by Russian scientist A. Dorogov. I was herxing first week really bad, then gradually I start feeling better. It's been 4 month since I am taking ASD, I am 99% symptoms FREE!!! All my pain is gone, no more muscle twitching, confusion, anxiety, brain fog! I truly believe I am on a road to total cure!
My cabinet with all the supplements and herbs, and homeopathy, and apitherapy I had to take before I discovered ASD.
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