Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical doctor, material within Nothing-is-Incurable.com is for educational purposes only and should not be replaced by a physician's consultation.FDA has not evaluated this information or any other information on integrative medicine.
You must change your life style; you must work on your spiritual and mental health as well as physical!

We all know how discouraging it is to try all possible treatments and relapse soon after. And it costs thousands of dollars.
I lost almost everything due to Lyme. I had to drop off from school, I lost my business, I had to move out of my apartment because I was not able to afford it anymore. Lyme put me near bankruptcy.
But every day I told myself, I will win this battle
After my full recovery I do offer coaching sessions myself.
Everyone asks me what was that last thing that cured me. Again, there is no magic bullet! I worked hard to win this battle; I dedicated each and every day to get closer to the finish line. Everybody is different and responds differently to the same treatment.
When do you need to see a professional natural health consultant?
- When western medical doctors tagged your condition “idiopathic” or “incurable”.
- When you have an unusual disease that has your doctors and specialists baffled.
- When several doctors have told you that there’s nothing wrong and “It’s all in your head”.
- All your lab tests, scans, X-Rays, etc come back fine, yet you still have symptoms.
- You are concerned that the side effects of your drugs may be worse than the disease.
- You have tried a lot of nutritional supplements, diets, herbs, etc without noticeable results.
- You are looking for a natural health expert that will guide you to prevent and/or reverse degenerative disease.
Private Coaching Session